In this video Joseph shows our 1981 turbo Charged Mooney plane. We are going to use this Mooney as part of a down payment toward a diamond Air 62. We are believing as we bring what we have as a down payment that together with our partners and generous supporters we will either see The Diamond Air 62 paid for in full or attain a very affordable monthly payment that will be much more economical than constant commercial travel. When we travel to churches and communities we do so completely by the generosity of partners and supporters of this ministry. We do not charge or ask for honorariums when we hold events or come to churches. Hitting the goal of traveling with a Diamond Air 62 will make the model we operate by even more efficient and effective. Ultimately doing a much better job of serving those we are called to minister to. We want to reach more communities and churches around America. The rural locations are often overlooked due to the difficulty of traveling to them. We thankfully already have our own pilot on staff that has flown previous diamond Aircraft models. This alone is a wonderful convenience and encourages us in the faith venture. Through this diamond air 62 the issue of travel with team becomes simplified and cuts long term costs significantly. We have been looking at this coming year through the lens of what’s most affordable and what is safest while achieving the goal of reaching more people at no charge. The Diamond Air 62 seats up to seven people and is one of the safest small planes available today. It has its own radar. Retractable landing gear, a design that doesn’t allow it to spin if it were to stall out. Two turbo charged propellers. If one engine were to fail the remaining engine is capable of taking you the entire journey by itself. It is state of the art in nearly every way for its size and class. Flying a team of seven via major airlines is very costly not to mention the time it takes to get to some small communities. Many planes cost far more and have very high prices for fuel. The Diamond Air is capable of traveling anywhere in the USA (from Our headquarters in Colorado) with a potential fuel range of $50 per hour! That means a four hour trip with up to seven passengers would cost around $200 dollars. Where that same trip with seven people would cost much more. Hundreds, if not thousands of dollars more! We believe this is a very responsible direction for the mission of our organization and a responsible use of resources. We are believing that through your partnership and generosity that we can reach the goal of a diamond air 62 aircraft in the near future. If you are interested in supporting this endeavor please go to JosephZ.Com and donate today. Thank you and God Bless you! 2 Thessonians 3:1  “...that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified,..”